Export Courier links British consumer goods manufacturers with importers, distributors and retailers throughout the world to promote mutually beneficial trade directly between manufacturer and importer.
For importers and retailers, Export Courier will
- find the manufacturers of the products you require and request the supplier to send details and prices direct to you
- email you with news of new products and suppliers of interest to you
- send our free Export Courier colour catalogues of suppliers and products
For British manufacturers – Export Courier promotes your products to its worldwide database of importers through its quarterly catalogues, international trade exhibitions and the electronic media.
Export Courier catalogues, available free to qualifying importers, cover four product areas, each published annually covering:
- Food & Drink
- Health & Beauty
- Grocery Non-Foods
- Home & Garden
Export Courier services are for the trade only and information about your company must be provided and will be held on our database if we are to assist you.
Export Courier
11c The Flarepath, Elsham Wold
Brigg, Lincolnshire, DN20 0SP
Tel: +44 (0) 1652 680093
Fax: +44 (0) 1652 688459